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    Quick steps for optimizing your posts

    Escrito por: Diligent Team

    If you are about to start your own blog or if you already have one and you are looking for new ways to get more views, this article is for you. I find post optimization a very interesting subject, the tips that I will share with you today are based on our own experience in 021BCN while managing our blog and the ones from our customers. So far they seem to work, we are happy with the results and so are our customers. Want to find out what are the quick steps for optimizing your posts? Check them out here.

    Before we go into detail first I would like to mention one important thing you need to take into account before you start your own blog: it requires commitment and dedication, but the effort is worth it. It´s a great tool for sharing your thoughts and ideas, for practicing your writing skills, and most importantly it helps to keep you updated on the new trends and become more competitive.

    When it comes to writing a post there are two things you need to have very well defined: your topic and your key word. The most assertive your keyword is the more people will find you and view your article. Also, make sure to provide content that matters to them, and make them return to your site, or follow you on social networks.

    How to get more people to read your posts? Quick steps for optimizing your posts


    1. Play around with a strong keyword:

    • Include it in the URL and in the title -if it´s at the beginning the better.
    • Make sure that the keyword is in the first paragraph. Put it in bold to make it more relevant.
    • The bold type must be “Strong” it doesn't work if you select “Bloc”.
    • Use subtitles to make the text easier to read, and include your keyword in one of them.
    • Include the keyword along the text up to five times maximum, and in your closing paragraph too.
    • Categorize your post, and use tags that places it under a certain area or topic.
    • Use the Meta Description option to define the post in Google.


    2. Make your text easy to read:

    • Keep the text short, five paragraphs maximum: 400 - 800 words.
    • Use only one main idea along the text. That will help you to keep the text short.
    • Write one idea per paragraph, three or four sentences the most per paragraph.
    • Use strong images and tag them.
    • Add highly relevant links. External links demonstrate that you’ve researched the topic.
    • Make sure to point all links to a new tab. In that way people won't live your page when clicking on them.
    • Make sure to include the source you used at the end of your post.
    • Before publication check the grammar -avoid spelling errors.


    3. Be interesting and be on time

    If you want to gain visibility and a good positioning in Google all you need to do is keep up with your publication frequency, the more constant you are the more Google will reward you for it by making you appear in the first results. In other words, if you decide to publish one, two or three times a week you need to keep that rhythm and always publish on the same days at the same time, e.g. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 12:00h.


    Always keep in mind that we live in an era where we are over-informed. Therefore in order to attract readers to your blog you need to provide content that is relevant and different. Share your thoughts, ideas or tips. If you take the easy way and do a simple copy/paste even though you place the key words in the right places, you won´t get more views because the content it´s not useful, original or attractive to your readers.

    Having a blog like any other thing in life requires practice and dedication. The more you write the better you will get at it. Don't stop yourself thinking that you need to find the perfect subject to start writing, just do it! and remember to apply these quick steps for optimizing your posts at least once a week.

    The content is and always will be... the king!

    by Nathaly Hermida 

    ¿Como gestionar la Palabra Clave a la hora de optimizar un post?

    8 Incredibly Simple Ways to Get More People to Read Your Content




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